Let’s get more – social, environmental, and economic – sustainability based on data!

By Jutta Eckstein

The world is on fire! None of our improvements in software development will matter at all if we can’t change the course of the climate crisis. The software lifecycle creates direct and indirect carbon emissions: it has a footprint, worsening environmental problems. So, it’s time to examine how agility can help to reduce energy consumption and ensure greater - environmental, social & economic - sustainability. The point is not to pursue sustainability for altruistic reasons, but to understand that over time, sustainability is also becoming a key factor that determines the success of companies, both in the search for talent and for customers and markets.

In this session, inspect real data to gain a holistic perspective of your team or company’s current situation regarding agile sustainability. Comparative Agile Sustainability is an approach that we created in a small team with the support of data analysts that serves to anchor and promote the awareness of sustainability in an (agile) team and/or company. The evaluation was published under creative commons and is therefore freely available to all interested parties. By using the results of this validated assessment, agile teams and organizations can better understand how they can increase their own effectiveness and contribute to increasing sustainability across the industry.

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