Remote Mob Programming In a High Stakes Environment

By Giovanni Asproni

An experience report showing how remote mob programming can be quite effective in high stake environments, which include very short deadlines, high visibility (especially for failure), limited knowledge of some of the technologies to use, and some hard security and accessibility constraints.

When you have a newly formed remote team, which has to deliver a system in a high stakes environment—characterised by very short deadlines, high visibility (especially for failure), limited knowledge of some of the technologies to use, and some hard security and accessibility constraints—remote mob programming might not be at the top of your list of methods to use. Yet, this is what we did to deliver successfully, and to very high-quality standards one of the backend systems used by the COVID-19 app for England, and Wales, UK. In this talk Giovanni will share some lessons learned (warts and all) on how remote mob programming helped them achieve their very challenging goals, learning a lot in the process.

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